Sylvia Palmer
Sustaining Way Board Member
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Kristan Pitts
Kristan Pitts is the kind of leader who capitalizes on her ability to hold conversations with people across sectors. Her manifestation of greatness has always dwelled within her. Sustaining Way...
Ebony Flowers
Ebony Flowers is the kind of inspiration future generations should be looking for. Living up to her name ‘Flowers,’ her growth at Sustaining Way has brought new opportunities that allow...
Sha’dia Rosemond
Sha’dia Rosemond is a bright, young, and valuable member of the greater Greenville community. She was a part of Sustaining Way’s Steward Fellows program, which sparked her passions for gardening,...
Donna Byers
For Ms. Donna Byers, 67, there is no greater comfort than coming home, especially when it’s the same doorstep you’ve been returning to all your life. Ms. Byers’ home was...
Rhonda Young
Born and raised in Nicholtown, Rhonda Young lives in a house built from her father’s own two hands. As a young girl, when she wasn’t riding bikes or catching tadpoles,...
Michael Malcom Community Coordinator 2017
“It was through the coordinator program that I learned about and developed a passion for Creation Care. Through the coordinator program I was able to develop into a Faith Leader...
Sylvia Palmer
Sylvia Palmer is one of the proudest community members in Nicholtown. Born at the end of 1945, this vivacious woman has lived in Greenville for most of her life. As...
Kristan Pitts Community Coordinator 2015-2017
“Of all the memories that I’ll take from my years at Sustaining Way, seeing the growth of the Steward program and how our work touches the lives of youth stands...