We have developed and finalized our strategic plan for the next five years. Through this process we have refined our goals and created formal values. We specified our goals and expected outcomes which could develop into long term success and community assets. We have 5 broad goals which are broken down. Our first goal is to be an education hub for sustainability, equity, and justice. Secondly, we are developing leaders who are advocates for sustainability and will positively impact our community today and tomorrow. Our third goal is to catalyze community action so they can realize their goals. The fourth goal is to serve as a sustainability champion within our community around issues of sustainability, equity, and justice. Finally, we will expand Sustaining Way’s community development model through the state, region, and nation.

We want to thank all of you that contributed to this and to Shannon Owen for shepherding us through the whole process. We are excited for the future of our organization and community!

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