Sustaining Way would like to announce that we have assumed responsibility for South Carolina Interfaith Power & Light (SC IPL) as of January 1, 2017. We are excited about this new opportunity to have a positive impact on our state. While Sustaining Way will continue to serve the Nicholtown community and other communities through Annie’s House in Greenville, the SC IPL will work to educate and engage the faith community throughout the state of South Carolina to address climate change and bring about a sustainable and equitable future.
Sustaining Way Executive Director, Rick Joye, will serve as the Interim Executive Director for SC IPL. Bill Bradlee, Founder and former Executive Director, will serve as the interim chair of the new SC IPL Steering Committee.
Founded in 2011, South Carolina Interfaith Power and Light is inspired by diverse faith perspectives to respond to climate change and to care for the Earth and all its inhabitants by engaging people of faith to work together for a just and sustainable future.
Look for more information on the SC Interfaith Power & Light organization as we relaunch the website ( and social media pages ( and Until then, please refer to the national website at