What is Sustainability?

What is Sustainablity?

To understand Sustaining Way’s focus it helps to better understand what is meant by sustainability. For us, sustainability is simple and practical. It is about caring for people while caring for the environment and doing this all in an affordable manner.

How do we do it?

We do this through working with our partners to purchase and upgrade an underutilized property in marginalized communities and the selective employment of individuals with skills and passion for sustainability, our values, and building a better world. Annie’s House is our flagship site in Nicholtown, Greenville, SC. Its landscape was sustainably remodeled to serve as an education center, demonstration site, and as a base of operations. We break sustainability down into six areas:

  • Food and Landscape
  • Energy and Energy Efficiency
  • Consumption and Waste
  • Healthy Lifestyles
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Social Sustainability

We educate, demonstrate, and advocate to develop individuals and the community in each of these areas.

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